Jerry Bear Stickers
If you could quantify love, put a numerical value on on the friendships and lovers and spouses and children that have come about as result of people meeting over our shared love of the Grateful Dead and all it’s incarnations, I would bet that the amount of love created by them would top any religion or institution on this planet. And Jerry is a big part of that, obviously.
This is the Jerry from our Touch Of Grey collection. And if you recall the video for Touch of Grey that got so much play at the time, it’s the band playing as they are, and they they are magically transformed into the dead versions of themselves, all as skeletons.
You can get the Jerry Bear, or the Skelton Jerry Bear, or both. And if you get both and ask in the notes, I will throw in the dog who ran off with Mickey’s leg too.
$3 each, or 2 for $5, or 6 for $12, with free shipping.